The list of the most popular given names for children in Québec for 2023 has been unveiled. Produced every year for the past 20 years using data from Family Allowance, the list provides a portrait of the trends in given names in Québec and shows how they are evolving.
Unsurprisingly, Noah retained the top spot for the third year in a row. Meanwhile, Emma is no longer in first place, having been dethroned by Alice and Florence, which are tied.
To find out the trends regarding given names in Québec or for inspiration, consult the 2023 List of Baby Names.
A new list
For the first time, Retraite Québec has also compiled a list of the most popular given names among those applying for their retirement pension under the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) in 2023.
Among the highlights, we note that many people named Sylvie and Michel applied for their retirement pension under the QPP. Furthermore, of the 97 211 new beneficiaries, 23% waited until their 65th birthday before applying for their pension. They were therefore entitled to 100% of their pension, rather than the reduced pension they would have received had they applied before that age.
To find out the most popular given names among new pensioners under the QPP in 2023, consult our infographic
(French only).