The orphan's pension

Upon request, an orphan's pension is payable for any child under age 18 if the deceased contributed to the Québec Pension Plan and was eligible under the Plan. Generally, the pension is payable to the person who provides for the child.


Pursuant to the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan, the deceased contributor's child, who is under age 18, is entitled to an orphan's pension until he or she reaches majority if the parent contributed sufficiently to the Québec Pension Plan. Generally, the person who provides for the child administers the pension.

A deceased person's child is considered to be:

  • his or her minor biological or adopted child
  • a minor child who was living with the deceased for at least one year, if the deceased served as mother or father to the child.

A child is not considered to be the deceased person's child if he or she was placed in foster care in that person's home and the deceased was receiving amounts for his or her care.

Amount and payments

  • period of 12 months, unless an extension is granted due to special circumstances. Payment of the orphan's pension is made on the last working day of every month and ends when the child turns 18.
  • In 2025, the orphan's pension amount is $301,77 a month per child. It is taxable and must be declared as the child's personal income. The pension is indexed every year.
  • A single orphan's pension is paid to a child, even when his second parent dies.
  • When a child is receiving a pension for a disabled person's child and is entitled to an orphan's pension, only one pension will be paid, that is, the orphan's pension.

Make sure you file your application for an orphan's pension as soon as possible. Payments can be made retroactively for a maximum of 12 months, unless an extension is granted due to special circumstances.

Filing an application for the orphan's pension


Are you ready to file your application?

Access the online services and forms

Three sections to consult following the death of a family member

Other useful link

  • The Death This link will open in a new window. section on Qué indicates the steps to take following a person's death.

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