Person in charge of access to documents and the protection of personal information
Under the
Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information
- Your personal information remains confidential
- You have access to your documents and personal information at
Retraite Québec
- You can have your personal information corrected if it is incomplete, incorrect or unclear, or destroyed if it has not been collected, kept or communicated within the meaning of the Act.
The person in charge of access to documents and the protection of personal information is
Ms. Anne-Marie Drolet.
Request for access to information
Request for access to documents at
Retraite Québec
Requests for access to documents at
Retraite Québec, or to any other information covered by the
Act, must be mailed or faxed to our Officer in charge of access to information:
Bureau du responsable de l'accès à l'information
Retraite Québec
2600, boulevard Laurier, bureau 502
Québec (Québec) G1V 4T3
Télécopieur : 418 659-8990
Request for access to information from pension committees of public-sector pension plans
For documents concerning pension committees, you must request access to the information from the president of the
pension committee in question (French only).
Répertoire des codes de classification
(Classification codes directory; French only)
This document lists the categories used to classify and track documents held at
Retraite Québec. It enables the public to identify these documents as part of their access to information rights.
Inventory of personal information files
Any citizen has the right to know what personal information concerning him or her
Retraite Québec may have on file. The following is
Retraite Québec's list of personal information files.
Retraite Québec's inventory of personal information files is being completed. In the meantime, we are using the inventories that were used by the
Régie des rentes du Québec and by the
Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d'assurances.
Registry for the communication of personal information
Retraite Québec's registry for the communication of personal information is being completed. In the meantime, we are using the registries that were used by the
Régie des rentes du Québec and the
Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d'assurances.