The two following draft Regulations (French only) were published in the Gazette officielle du Québec on 5 April 2023:
- the draft Regulation respecting the funding of defined-benefit pension plans of the municipal and university sectors
- the draft Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the exemption of certain pension plans from the application of provisions of the Supplemental Pension Plans Act.
Their purpose is to update and harmonize the rules that apply to the pension plans of the municipal and university sectors, of the emergency medical technicians, as well as of the employees of early childhood centres (CPEs) and accredited private daycares in Québec.
Any person interested in commenting on either of these draft Regulations must do so in writing to the address indicated on the notice of publication before 20 May 2023.
An English version of the draft Regulations is available on the Les Publications du Québec – Gazette officielle's website