Death benefit
The death benefit under the Québec Pension Plan is a payment of a maximum amount of $2500. It is paid if the deceased
contributed sufficiently to the Plan, in accordance with the
Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan.
Who can receive the death benefit?
The death benefit is paid to the person or charitable organization that paid for the funeral expenses or to the heirs, if they file an application. If there are no heirs or if the heirs have renounced the estate, the death benefit can be paid to other persons; contact Retraite Québec if this situation applies to you.
On what date was the application for the death benefit filed?
60 first days following the death
- Priority is given to the person or charitable organization that paid for the funeral expenses upon filing an application and with valid proof of payment for funeral expenses.
- If the amount of the expenses is less than $2500, the difference can be granted to the heirs if they have not renounced the estate and have filed an application.
Between 61 days and 5 years following the death
- If no application has been filed, the death benefit is paid to the person who filed the application first, whether it is a person who paid for the funeral expenses, an heir, liquidator of the estate, or should there be no one, to another person.
Prearranged funeral services
The expenses related to a funeral services contract previously paid by the deceased are not accepted and cannot be reimbursed with the death benefit. If a family member has paid for the deceased's expenses related to a prearranged funeral services contract, those expenses could be accepted.
However, accepted expenses not included in the contract may sometimes be incurred after the death. The person who paid for those additional expenses may apply to be reimbursed, up to the amount of the expenses or a maximum amount of $2500.
Accepted expenses and proof of payment
Proof of payment of accepted expenses can be sent online or mailed to the following address:
Retraite Québec
Case postale 5200
Québec (Québec) G1K 7S9
It must be sent to us at the same time as the application for the death benefit under the Québec Pension Plan.
We will reimburse expenses related to the disposal of the body and funeral expenses to the person who paid for them, up to $2500, upon presentation of proof of payment.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of accepted expenses:
- transportation, storage and preservation of the body
- embalming of the body
- coffin
- urn, funeral jewelery, reliquaries, tree of life
- visitation at the funeral home
- funeral service
- interment, cremation, aquamation
- services of a funeral director
- publication of death notices
- cemetery plot, niche and funerary recess (in proportion to the expenses incurred for the deceased (e.g., Retraite Québec would give $2000 of funeral expenses for a plot of $8000 paid for 4 persons))
- funerary monument (or inscription) (in proportion to the expenses incurred for the deceased (e.g., Retraite Québec would give $2000 of funeral expenses for a monument of $8000 paid for 4 persons))
- acknowledgement cards, memorial bookmarks
- taxes related to eligible expenses.
The following expenses are not reimbursed:
- purchase of flowers
- expenses related to the reception after the funeral (hall rental, caterer, etc.).
Retraite Québec accepts the following documents as proof of payment for funeral expenses:
- the
Reçu pour frais funéraires acquittés (Receipt for funeral expenses paid; French only), duly completed
- a copy of a receipt from the funeral home
- a copy of the invoice or funeral contract confirming payment.
These documents must contain all the information necessary to determine the eligibility of the expenses.
If necessary, Retraite Québec can request additional proof of payment.
If the payer had ties with the funeral home
A payer who has ties with the funeral home can be, for example:
- the owner of the funeral home
- a family member or friend of the owner of the funeral home
- an employee of the funeral home.
In that case, we require the following documents as proof of payment, in addition to the usual documents and any other documents deemed necessary for establishing the eligibility of the expenses:
- a copy of the
- personal cheque cashed by the financial institution
- personal credit card transaction record and monthly account statement
- invoice detailing the paid funeral expenses.
Amount and payment
The benefit, which is a maximum of $2500, will be paid by cheque to the person or charitable organization that is eligible for the benefit.
Note that
the benefit amount is taxable. It must be declared in the income of the estate, regardless of the name to whom the cheque was made out.
The estimate of the death benefit is indicated on the deceased contributor's Statement of Participation.
If the deceased did not make sufficient contributions to the Québec Pension Plan,
a special benefit for funeral expenses
could be paid by the
Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.
Three sections to consult following the death of a family member
Other useful link
- The Death
section on Qué indicates the steps to take following a person's death.