Spousal benefits renunciation (or waiver)
The deceased had contributed to a public sector pension plan
Following the death of a
public‑sector pension plan member or beneficiary, the plan provides for the payment of a benefit to the recognized surviving spouse on a priority basis, unless he or she renounces it.
Before the member or beneficiary's death, the spouse can renounce the benefit in favour of the heirs. However, if the heirs are not entitled to any amount at the date on which the person dies, the renunciation is cancelled so that the spouse can receive a surviving spouse's pension. In addition, a spouse can revoke his or her renunciation by contacting us in writing, provided he or she does so before the person's death.
The following plans provide for the possibility for the spouse to recounce his or her rights:
- Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP)
- Pension Plan of management Personnel (PPMP)
- Retirement Plan for Senior Officials (RPSO)
- Teachers Pension Plan (TPP)
- Civil Service Superannuation Plan (CSSP)
- Pension Plan of Certain Teachers (PPCT)
- Pension Plan of Elected Municipal Officers (PPEMO)
- Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services (PPPOCS)
Consult the publication concerning the deceased's pension plan for more information.
Renouncing your rights or revoking your renunciation
You must notify us if you wish to renounce your rights or revoke your renunciation by:
- completing the
Notice of Waiver or Revocation (Public-Sector Pension Plan) (161A)
- sending us a notice in which all the information prescribed by regulation is written:
- the pension plan to which the renunciation is directed;
- the name and address of the member or beneficiary;
- the name and address of the spouse who is renouncing his or her rights;
- the date of the notice.
For the renunciation or revocation of a renunciation to be valid:
- It must refer to all benefits that would be payable to the spouse under the member or beneficiary's pension plan;
- We must have received it before the member or beneficiary's death. When studying your file, we only take into account the date on which we received your notice.
Note that...
When a person is a member or a beneficiary of more than one public sector pension plan, the spouse must notify Retraite Québec if he or she wishes to renounce his or her rights for each plan that provides for it. If a member starts contributing or transfers his or her years of service to another pension plan after a notice of waiver was sent, a new notice must be sent to us.
Three sections to consult following the death of a family member
Other useful link
- The Death
section on Québec.ca indicates the steps to take following a person's death.