Act related to the implementation of recommendations from the retirement committees of certain pension plans from the public sector and modifying various legislative provisions (Q.L. 2014, chapter 11)

Changes to Your Pension Plan

The Act related to the implementation of recommendations from the retirement committees of certain pension plans from the public sector and modifying various legislative provisions This link will open in a new window. (Q.L. 2014, chapter 11) was assented on November 19, 2014. It modifies several pension plans.

The main modifications are presented below.


Recognition of paternity leave with benefits for a maximum of 5 weeks

Retirement plans concerned: PPPOCS and PPMP

Retroactive effective date: March 13, 2011 for the PPPOCS and May 29, 2012 for the PPMP

Since March 13, 2011 for the PPPOCS and May 29, 2012 for the PPMP, when you benefit from a paternity leave with benefits for a maximum of 5 weeks, you no longer have to buy back service related to the leave or avail yourself of the 90-day bank used to offset absences not bought back. You continue contributing to your pension plan.

Elements to considerr

  • The pensionable salary corresponds to the salary that would have been paid to you if you had continued working.
  • The service credited to you is the service that would have been credited to you if you had continued working.
  • The contributions are calculated on an amount equal to your full salary and correspond to the contributions you would have paid if you had continued working.
  • The contributions are withdrawn by the employer from the benefits paid to you.


Addition of a clarification regarding the days that should not be taken into account in the calculation of the additional participation period

Retirement plan concerned: PPMP

Retroactive effective date: January 1, 2013

Since January 1, 2013, a full-time or part-time absence without pay that occurred during the additional participation period following your qualification period and for which you paid no contribution is not taken into account for the calculation of that period, and this, even if you buy back the corresponding service afterwards.


Modification of rules regarding the debt remission by  CARRA

Retirement plans concerned: all plans

Effective date: November 19, 2014

The law renders uniform the application of remission of debts provided for by the RREGOP's law and regulations when a debt results from an administrative error that you would have reasonably been able to observe.

Therefore, since November 19, 2014, it is no longer possible to remit a debt because of a low income when the debt in question results from an administrative error that you would have reasonably been able to observe.


Addition for an arbitrator of the power to assign a witness


Effective date: November 19, 2014

Since November 19, 2014, as part of arbitration, the arbitrator now has the power to assign a witness upon request from a party or on his or her own initiative, and this, in order to obtain a declaration from the witness or demand the production of documents.

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