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25 February 2025

Are you retired? Here are the tax credits you could be entitled to

Ah, retirement! For many people, it represents an opportunity to enjoy a wealth of pleasant activities. However, we know that filing your income tax return is probably not at the top of the list. Nevertheless, this task could become more interesting if you applied for certain tax credits that could pay off in a big way.

Certain credits are refundable, which means that they entitle you to a tax refund. Others are non-refundable, which means that they reduce the amount of taxes you must pay. They lose their value if you do not have any taxes to pay. Certain credits can be transferred between spouses, and others can even be carried forward.

While you can apply for certain credits on your provincial income tax return (filed with Revenu Québec), you can apply for other credits on your federal income tax return (filed with the Canada Revenue Agency). Sometimes, you can apply for the same credit on both returns.

Here are some examples of credits to which you could be entitled, based on your situation :

Type of creditWho is entitled?Provincial or federal income tax return?Refundable or not?
Solidarity Tax CreditPersons aged 18 or over and low‑ or middle‑income households.ProvincialRefundable
GST/HST creditPersons aged 19 or over and low‑ or middle‑income households.FederalRefundable
Tax credit for career extension

Persons aged 60 or over who remain on the labour market or are returning to it

As of the 2025 fiscal year, the credits will only apply to persons aged 65 or over as at 31 December.

Age tax creditPersons aged 65 or over with low‑ or middle‑incomeProvincial and federalNon-refundable
Pension income amount

Persons aged 65 or over

Persons under age 65 if, as applicable:

  • the income is received following a spouse's death;
  • the person received a life annuity from a registered pension plan.
Amount based on age, amount for a person living alone and amount for retirement incomePersons aged 65 or overProvincialNon-refundable
Tax credit for home support services for seniorsPersons aged 70 or overProvincialRefundable
Senior assistance tax creditPersons aged 70 or overProvincialRefundable
Independent living tax credit for seniorsPersons aged 70 or overProvincialRefundable

Consult the Guide des mesures fiscales This link will open in a new window. (Guide to Tax Measures; French only) (Aînés section [Senior section; French only]), which contains additional information on the different tax credits listed above.

Consider also checking the list of all credits offered by the provincial This link will open in a new window. and federal This link will open in a new window. governments.

Other useful information