Actuarial Valuation

Rapport actuariel modifiant l'Analyse actuarielle du Régime de rentes du Québec au 31 décembre 2009

(Actuarial update to the Actuarial Report of the Québec Pension Plan as at 31 December 2009; French only)

This document evaluates the impact, on the projections of the most recent actuarial analysis, of the amendments provided for by the Act respecting mainly the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 17 March 2011 and the enactment of the Act to establish the Northern Plan Fund, which was tabled in the National Assembly in May 2011. The Act provides for an increase to the Québec Pension Plan's contribution rate and changes to the actuarial adjustment factors for retirement pensions in the event of early or deferred retirement.

Consult a summary of the report

Last update: May 2011.

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