Important reminders
You are entitled to an enhancement of your buy-back pension credits. The enhancement includes the annual indexation of a portion of the buy-back pension credits based on the rate of increase of the Pension Index (PI).
If you have already retired
The indexation is retroactive to the later date between 1 January 2021 and 1 January of the year that follows the starting date of your retirement pension. If applicable, you will receive pension arrears to which we will add the applicable interest.
If you have not retired
The indexation will apply on 1 January following the date on which you retire.
The enhancement is further to the Act amending mainly certain Acts establishing public-sector pension plans, which was assented to on 6 April 2023 by the National Assembly of Québec. The Act provides for the enhancement of the pension credits, according to the terms and conditions determined by the
RREGOP Pension Committee.
In a resolution passed on 6 October 2023, this committee agreed to an enhancement through an annual indexation of a portion of the buy-back pension credits. A person will be able to benefit from it once he or she retires.
Additional information
Here are answers to certain questions you may have.
How is the amount of indexation to which I am entitled calculated?
Here is an example of the calculation for a person who retired before 2021:
Value of the portion of the pension credit covered by the enhancement as at 31 December 2020: $300
2021 indexation
PI: 1.0%
Calculation: $300 X 1% = $3
$300 + $3 = $303
2022 indexation
PI: 2.7%
Calculation: $303 X 2.7% = $8.18
$303 + $8.18 = $311.18
2023 indexation
PI: 6.5%
Calculation: $311.18 X 6.5% = $20.23
$311.18 + $20.23 = $331.41
2024 indexation
PI: 4.4%
Calculation: $331.41 X 4.4% = $14.58
$331.41 + $14.58 = $345.99
My spouse is entitled to a higher indexation amount than mine. Why?
Although indexation rates are the same for everyone, the amount to which a person is entitled varies according to the value of their pension credit. The value of the pension credit can vary from one person to another, as it depends on the following factors:
- the number of years bought back;
- the pensionable salary at the time of the buy-back;
- the time of the buy-back.
The amount of indexation varies depending on when a person starts receiving his or her retirement pension. For example, a person who began receiving his or her pension in 2021 will be entitled to a higher amount than a person who began receiving his or her pension in 2023.
My sister received an enhancement of her pension credit in 2023. I am receiving one this year, but my amount is much lower than hers. Why?
The enhancement of pension credits carried out in 2023 concerned pension credits purchased following the transfer of a supplemental pension plan or a transfer agreement. In addition, the terms and conditions were different. The enhancement consisted of a lump-sum payment.
This year's enhancement concerns a buy-back pension credit and consists of an annual indexation.
Which documents will I need to complete my income tax returns?
- Federal government: T4A slip
- Provincial government: RL-2 slip
The documents will be sent to you by Retraite Québec at the beginning of the year following the concerned fiscal year.
Other useful information