Retirement Planning Information Session (RPIS)

PIPR - Programme d'information et de préparation à la retraite.

Given our many years of experience in administering public-sector pension plans and the Québec Pension Plan, we have used our expertise to develop a Retirement Planning Information Session (RPIS) to better assist you in preparing your retirement.



Retraite Québec shares various responsibilities with Cégep Marie-Victorin and Centre Louis-Jolliet in order to offer information sessions and retirement planning tools that are accessible to all. Presented by seasoned experts, these sessions are designed to help you better plan this new phase of your life by examining a variety of topics:

  • The transition toward retirement
  • Group insurance and benefits
  • Legal questions and various psychosocial aspects
  • The Québec Pension Plan (QPP) and the mainpublic-sector pension plans
  • Personal finances

Target clientele

The RPIS is intended for individuals in the public service, the education sector, and the health and social services sector who are members of the following public-sector pension plans and plan to retire within the next five years:

  • The Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP)
  • The Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP)
  • The Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services (PPPOCS)
  • The Pension Plan for Federal Employees Transferred to Employment with the Gouvernement du Québec (PPFEQ)
  • The Retirement Plan for Active Members of the Centre hospitalier Côte-des-Neiges (RPCHCN)
  • The Retirement Plan for Senior Officials (RPSO)
  • The Pension Plan of Certain Teachers (PPCT)




You have several options:

  • Online or in person:
    • two full days
  • Online:
    • four half-days over one week
    • four half-days over a period of two weekends




In person (limited time slots)

Cost and registration

Consult the calendar of upcoming sessions

The cost is $323 per person for an online session and $349 for a session in person (applicable taxes not included), which is usually paid by your employer. The authorization from your immediate supervisor is required to confirm your registration.

Spouses may also register for the same session provided they pay their own registration.


Québec (03) and Chaudière-Appalaches (12) regions:

Centre Louis-Jolliet
Telephone: 418 686‑4682, ext. 411275

Montréal and other regions of Québec:

Cégep Marie-Victorin
Telephone: 514 278‑3535, ext. 5230 or
1 800 700‑0623, ext. 5230

The RPIS is offered in collaboration with our partners

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