Personalized Documents

Statement of Benefits – Your Pension

Your Pension

This section describes the document and provides an example. The document is available in My Account and you can download it if necessary.

Retirement Pension

Integration of your public-sector pension plan with the Québec Pension Plan (QPP)

This document explains the impact of coordination on the retirement pension at age 65.

Note that integration is also referred to as 'coordination' in certain publication

Last update: May 2024.

Contribution to a Pensioners Association

If your association has an agreement with us and you wish to have your membership fees deducted from your public sector retirement pension, you must contact your pensioners association directly.

To know which associations have concluded such an agreement with us:

Guide for New Beneficiaries RREGOP and PPMP

This brochure is intended for pensioners of RREGOP and PPMP. It deals with various subjects: pension indexation, tax deductions, integration with the Québec Pension Plan at age 65, pension review, return to work, death, direct deposit, etc.

Last update: July 2024.

Pension After Tax

This table shows the approximate net amount of the annualpension (after tax) of a pensioner from the public sectorcalculated from the gross amount of the anticipated pension.

Net pension estimates


Reduced Buy-Back of Service Following Retirement

The present document is intended for the pensioners from the RREGOP, the PPCT, the CSSP and the TPP. It provides information about the possibility of applying for a buy-back if the service used to calculate your pension is to be reduced while you are retired.

Last update: June 2016.

Pension Plan of Management Personnel

The PPMP at a Glance

The PPMP at a Glance

This newsletter is intended for the members and pensioners of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel (PPMP).

Legislative and Regulatory Amendments

Legislative and regulatory amendments

Amendments to public-sector pension plans are outlined in the Legislative and regulatory amendments section.

Returns on Public-Sector Pension Plans

Returns on Public-Sector Pension Plans

Returns on some Public-Sector Pension Plan Funds

We are annoncing the returns on the RREGOP, the PPMP, the PPEMO, the RPCHCN and the special plans funds.

Last update: February 2025.
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