How to access the SPP Portal
Before you start...
SPP Portal access rights vary depending on each person's role: each person is only granted access to sections required to complete his or her duties.
The same person can work on several pension plans or standard contracts and have different roles. The person is granted access rights accordingly.
Only the following persons can grant access to the SPP Portal to collaborators who need it to carry out their tasks related to a pension plan or a standard contract, as the case may be:
- SPP, SIPP and VRSP administrator's representatives
- contact persons for a LIRA or LIF.
First time accessing the SPP Portal
To be granted access to the SPP Portal, you must provide Retraite Québec with
- your contact information
- a valid email address (personal email address).
You will then receive an email from Retraite Québec asking you to sign up for the SPP Portal.
If you do not have access to the SPP Portal for a standard contract for which you are the person responsible for the annual fees, please contact Retraite Québec:
Creating a user account
To create an account, click the Sign up now link.
Then, enter your email address (personal email address) and click Send verification code.
You will receive an email at the address you entered, which contains the verification code you need to complete your authentication.
Enter the verification code in the authentication window, then click Verify code.
The verification code is valid for approximately 5 minutes.
You cannot find the email?
Check your spam folder. It should be there. Drag it to your inbox: that way, the next time you receive emails from that source, they will be sent directly to your inbox.
Once the code has been verified, you must enter and confirm a password and click Create.
The password must be between 12 and 64 characters and include at least 2 of the following characters:
- a lowercase letter
- a capital letter
- a number
- a symbol.
You are responsible for protecting the confidential information that allows you to log in to the SPP Portal. That information should not be disclosed to other persons of your organization or to external providers.
Logging in
When you click Go to the service, the login window will appear.
Enter your email address and your password, then click Sign in.
The window below will appear. Click Send verification code.
You will receive an email at the address you entered, which contains the verification code you need to complete your authentication.
The verification code is valid for a approximately 5 minutes.
You cannot find the email?
Check your spam folder. It should be there. Drag it to your inbox: that way, the next time you receive emails from that source, they will be sent directly to your inbox.
You must enter the verification code in the authentication window, then click Verify code.
Once the code has been verified, you must click Continue to access the SPP Portal.
If you have a role in several plans or standard contracts, you must first choose the one to which you want to log in.
If you have several roles for the same plan or standard contract, be sure to select the appropriate one, because SPP Portal access rights differ depending on the role.
The homepage:
- allows you, if applicable, to select another plan, standard contract or role without having to sign out
- displays the icons that correspond to the sections to which you have access, depending on your role.
The menu displayed on the homepage can also be found on the top left of every page of the SPP Portal, which allows you to access other sections without having to return to the homepage.
SPP Portal sections
Electronic messaging
Each standard contract has an electronic messaging service grouping all messages exchanged between Retraite Québec and individuals who have access to the messaging service. Therefore, the messaging service is linked to the standard contract and not to your role, which means that all individuals with access to the service can see the messages that were exchanged.
In this section, you can:
- send information in a message
- send documents and applications in a message
- receive messages
- consult messages.
The contact person is the main person with whom Retraite Québec communicates. Therefore, a notification will be sent to that person by email when Retraite Québec
- sends a new message
- replies to a message.
A notification will also be sent to the person who sent the first message of the exchange, if it is not the contact person.
From the inbox, you can consult messages that Retraite Québec has sent.
With a few exceptions, Retraite Québec no longer mails letters; they are now filed in the SPP Portal in PDF format in the Documents section and not in the Electronic messaging section.
- The number of unread messages is entered on the right of the inbox in the left menu.
- The search field allows you to search by subject or content of messages.
- Sorting and filters are available in every column.
- A closed black enveloppe indicates that the message has not yet been consulted.
You can save a message so that you can send it at a later time. In that case, your message will be saved and stored in the Drafts subsection. You can only consult drafts that you will have saved yourself.
If you delete a draft, you will not be able to restore it; it will be deleted permanently.
Sent items
You can consult all the messages sent to Retraite Québec from this box, regardless of who sent them.
New message
The electronic messaging service allows you to send information, documents and applications to Retraite Québec.
To write a new message:
- click the New message button
- choose a topic from the drop-down list
- complete the displayed fields
- write your message
- if necessary, add a document or documents
- choose a type of document (related to the subject of your message)
- select Yes or No as to whether the document contains confidential information
- select the document(s) to upload
- repeat steps a to c for each document to be added.
Document containing confidential information
Any information that allows a person to be identified is considered to be confidential. For example, if you add a document that contains an individual's Social Insurance Number, date of birth, home address or salary, you must select Yes on the right of the confidential information indicator.
Only documents in one of the following formats can be sent through the electronic messaging service: PDF, XLSX (25 MB maximum per document).
You can send several documents related to the same subject in one message. However, each document must be in a separate file.
You then have two options, either you:
- Save your message in Drafts.
- Send the message to Retraite Québec. Once the message has been sent, it is filed in the sent items box. The attached documents are automatically listed in the Documents section.
In this section, you can consult all documents exchanged via the SPP Portal, including letters sent by Retraite Québec. With a few exceptions, Retraite Québec no longer mails letters.
You can also consult the documents added by the persons authorized to send documents.
To send documents to Retraite Québec, you must use the electronic messaging service.
You can filter results by subject, date, document type, etc. You can also combine search topics to narrow down your results.
When Retraite Québec adds documents that were sent otherwise than via the SPP Portal, for example by mail, the date indicated in the Added on field corresponds to the date on which Retraite Québec received the document and not to the date on which Retraite Québec added it to the SPP Portal.
This section refers to the
Payment of fees page on Retraite Québec's website, which explains the terms of payment of fees related to a supplemental pension plan, a
LIRA or a
If you would like to pay the fees online, you must indicate the reference number assigned by Retraite Québec. This number is usually indicated on the request for payment letter. If you do not have it, please contact Retraite Québec:
Meaning of acronyms
- LIRA: Locked-in retirement account
- LIF: Life income fund
- SPP: Supplemental pension plan
- SIPP: Simplified pension plan
- VRSP: Voluntary retirement savings plan