The Role of the Employer and the Québec Pension Plan

The Québec Pension Plan (QPP) is a compulsory public insurance plan. Its purpose is to provide persons who work in Québec (or have worked in Québec) and their families with basic financial protection in the event of retirement, death or disability.

In Québec, the responsibility of retirement income is shared between governments, employers and workers. In the case of the QPP, the Plan is funded equally between employers and workers.

Therefore, the contributions made by the employers into the QPP benefit their employees by providing them with a better retirement income.

As an employer, it is your responsibility to collect QPP contributions and remit them to Revenu Québec. For more information, please consult Revenu Québec's Employer's kit This link will open in a new window..

Québec Pension Plan figures

Basic information for 2025
Basic exemption$3500
Yearly maximum pensionable earnings, also called maximum pensionable earnings (MPE)$71 300
Additional maximum annual pensionable earnings, also called additional maximum pensionable earnings (YAMPE)$81 200
Contribution rate See (Note 1)
On earnings between $3500 and $71 300
Base plan10.8%
Additional plan2%
On earnings between $71 300 and $81 200
Additional plan8%
Maximum contribution for workers and employers
On $67 800 (earnings between $3500 and $71 300 [MPE])
Base plan (5.4%)$3661.00
Additional plan (1%)$678.00
On $9900 (earnings between $71 300 and $81 200 [YAMPE])
Additional plan (4%)$396
Maximum contribution for self-employed workers
On $67 800 (earnings between $3500 and $71 300 [MPE])
Base plan ( 10.8%)$7020.00
Additional plan ( 2%)$1356.00
On $9900 (earnings between $71 300 and $81 200 [YAMPE])
Additional plan (8%)$792
Indexation rate for benefits as at 1 January 20252.60%
Basic information on the Québec Pension Plan in 2025
Maximum Pensionable Earnings$71 300
Basic exemption$3500
Contribution rate 
Base plan 10.8%
Additional plan 2%
Maximum contribution for workers and employers 
Base plan (5.4%)$3661.00
Additional plan (1%)$678.00
Maximum contribution for self-employed workers
Base plan (10.8%)$7020.00
Additional plan (2%)$1356.00
Indexation rate for benefits as at 1 January 20252.60%
  1. Note 1 Employers and workers each pay half of the contribution. Self-employed workers pay both shares of the contribution. Back to reference

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