How to pay a bill online with regard to a public-sector pension plan (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)?

Amounts owing to Retraite Québec with regard to a public-sector pension plan (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.) can be paid online on the website of an authorized financial institution.

You must meet the requirements of the authorized financial institution and Retraite Québec in order to make online payments within the required deadlines.

You must make a bill payment on the financial institution's website and specify:

  • the payee, by selecting the supplier account RETRAITE QUEBEC – RRSP (IND)
  • the reference number assigned by Retraite Québec (the number corresponds to your 10-digit ID number, beginning with 17, which you can find on a letter received by Retraite Québec with regard to a public-sector pension plan).

Here is a list of authorized financial institutions to use for an online payment of any bill concerning a public-sector pension plan (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.):

  • BMO Bank of Montreal
  • First Nations Bank of Canada
  • Laurentian Bank of Canada
  • National Bank of Canada (NBC)
  • RBC Royal Bank of Canada
  • Scotia Bank
  • CIBC
  • Desjardins
  • Manuvie
  • Tangerine
  • TD Canada Trust

If your financial institution is not on the list, you can send us your payment by cheque, made payable to Retraite Québec. In that case, please send your payment to the following address:

Retraite Québec
Direction des paiements, de la perception et de la vérification
Case postale 5500, succursale Terminus
Québec (Québec)  G1K 0G9

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