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This folder summarizes the eligibility requirements for the Supplement for Handicapped Children and Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care, which are two supplements that provide financial assistance to families. The publication also explains how to file an application.
This pamphlet is for parents who have a child under age 18 who has severe and multiple disabilities and/or whose state of health requires complex medical care. The pamphlet explains how the eligibility for the Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care is assessed.
This pamphlet is for parents living in Québec, but whose children were born outside the province. It explains why and how to inform Retraite Québec in order to receive Family Allowance payments.
The purpose of the document is to define the general guidelines used in the analysis of the extent of the disability for the purposes of medical eligibility for the Supplement for Handicapped Children and the Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care.