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La Lettre n° 34 : Règlement concernant le financement des régimes de retraite à prestations déterminées des secteurs municipal et universitaire(Regulation respecting the funding of defined-benefit pension plans of the municipal and university sectors; French only)
Amendments to the Supplemental Pension Plans Act that came into force on 11 December 2020
Amendments to the Regulation respecting supplemental pension plans effective 4 January 2018
Amendments to the Supplemental Pension Plans Act effective 1 January 2016
This Newsletter provides information on the additional pension benefit, for which a transitional measure came into effect on 4 January 2018. The measure is described in Newsletter number 32 .
La Lettre no 30 : Devoirs de l'établissement financier qui administre un régime de retraite simplifié(The duties of a financial institution that administers a simplified pension plan; French only)
Amendments Reducing Benefits Retroactively
Rules regarding the payment of contributions into the pension fund
On page 5 of this document, the secured claims correspond to "top-priority claims". Regarding unsecured claims from defined-benefit pension plans, they become "top-priority" for:
The Pension Protection Act grants "top-priority" to claims regarding employer amortization payments and the debt (deficit) of a defined-benefit pension plan. However, the "top-priority" of claims related to employer amortization payments and the debt (deficit) would not apply to the following plans:
For more information on bankruptcy or insolvency, contact the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy .
Converting defined benefit provisions into defined contribution provisions
Phased retirement and other end-of-career labour retention measures
Internal by-lawsSince 21 November 2024, on page 1 of the document, it should read "51" instead of "26", based on section 1 of the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the exemption of certain categories of pension plans from the application of provisions of the Supplemental Pension Plans Act .
New pension plan administration measures enacted in 2006
Instructions Concerning the Conversion of a Defined Contribution Pension Plan into a Simplified Pension Plan
This document contains 2 forms, which you can print out and complete. If you would rather complete them on-screen, use the links below:
Form I - Application to obtain confirmation to use the conversion procedure PDF (75k) Form II - Confirmation of the conversion and payment of members and beneficiaries benefits PDF (53k)
Form I - Application to obtain confirmation to use the conversion procedure PDF (75k)
Form II - Confirmation of the conversion and payment of members and beneficiaries benefits PDF (53k)
Additional pension benefits
The information found in the Additional pension benefit and partial payments subsection completes this document.