Our partners' responsibilities concerning the retirement planning information session
Our partnerships with the
Cégep Marie-Victorin
and the
Centre Louis-Jolliet
, and our collaboration with
allow us to offer our clientele:
- better access to sessions for all administrative regions of Québec (use of government facilities)
- flexible schedules that offer day, evening, weekend and online sessions
- a single fee to cover the session ($300 per person).
Retraite Québec
The organization:
- complies with government guidelines for training
- establishes, in collaboration with its partners, the structure of the sessions (duration, topics covered and scenarios)
- ensures that information is provided by experts for the public-sector pension plan and the Québec Pension Plan components
- provides quality assurance throughout the process.
Cégep Marie-Victorin and Centre Louis‑Jolliet
These two adult education institutions:
- prepare the companion document for the sessions
- are responsible for organizing the sessions:
- online registration, including obtaining the supervisor's approval
- reserving a location
- hiring trainers to give the workshops.
Raises the awareness of Quebecers under age of 45 of the importance of starting to save early for retirement, and promotes the information sessions as part of its activities.
Note that:
The employer must pre-approve, in accordance with the human resource management policy in force, the absence from work (if necessary) of an employee who wishes to register for a session, and
assumes, if applicable, the registration fee for the session.