Rapport annuel de gestion 2023

The Rapport annuel de gestion 2023 (Annual management report for 2023; French only) is Retraite Québec's public accountability report. It is the main document used to evaluate the performance of the organization. The report showcases the year's highlights and provides information to help the public better understand Retraite Québec. It also discusses Retraite Québec's results obtained regarding the commitments made in the Service Statement and the objectives set out in its Plan stratégique 2020-2023 (2020-2023 Strategic Plan; French only), and its Plan d'action de développement durable 2023-2027 (2023-2027 Sustainable development action plan; French only). In addition, the report provides Retraite Québec's financial statements and those of the pension plans it administers.

Consult Retraite Québec's Rapport annuel de gestion 2023
(Annual management report for 2023; French only)

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