Supplement for Handicapped Children

Eligibility requirements for the Supplement for Handicapped Children

The Supplement for Handicapped Children is financial assistance paid to parents who care for a child under age 18 who has a physical impairment or a mental function disability that significantly limits him or her in carrying out his or her life habits compared with what is expected for a child his or her age. The expected duration of the disabilities must be for at least one year.

Applications for the Supplement for Handicapped Children are assessed by Retraite Québec's team of health professionals made up of physicians, speech-language pathologists, psychologists, and nurses.

Eligibility for the Supplement for Handicapped Children is determined based on all the information contained in your child's file. In addition to the information provided by the family who files an application, Retraite Québec's team of health professionals takes into account all relevant information from medical or paramedical sources (contemporary scientific literature, assessment reports and follow-up notes from health professionals, examination results, etc.). Information from the school, daycare and psychosocial workers who know your child well is also considered.


Parents must receive Family Allowance for the child. If it is not your case, you must file an Application for Family Allowance Payments before sending your application for the Supplement for Handicapped Children or at the same time.

Please note that the eligibility requirements for the Supplement for Handicapped Children differ from those for other programs, including the programs administered by the Canada Revenue Agency, because they are governed by different laws. Consequently, a child can be eligible for one program without necessarily being eligible for another program.

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