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(Financial planning for retirement – 2023 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted with Québec citizens aged 18 to 74 who, in 2023, had varying personal income and employment statuses. The survey assessed their attitudes and behaviours regarding financial planning for retirement.
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(Financial planning for retirement – 2022 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted with Québec citizens aged 18 to 74 who, in 2022, had varying personal income and employment statuses. The survey assessed their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding financial planning for retirement.
(Financial planning for retirement – 2021 survey; French Only)This survey was conducted with Québec citizens aged 18 to 74 who, in 2021, had varying personal income and employment statuses. The survey assessed their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding financial planning for retirement.
(Promotional campaign on financial planning for retirement – 2021 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted in 2021 with Quebeckers aged 18 through 54. It measures the scope of Retraite Québec's promotional campaign and its impact on the target group's awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement.
(Financial planning for retirement – 2020 survey; French Only)This survey was conducted with Québec citizens aged 18 to 74 who, in 2020, had varying personal income and employment statuses. The survey assessed their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding financial planning for retirement.
(Promotional campaign on financial planning for retirement – 2020 survey; French Only)This survey was conducted in 2020 with Quebeckers aged 18 through 54. It measures the scope of Retraite Québec's promotional campaign and its impact on the target group's awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement.
(Awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement – 2019 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted with Québec citizens aged 18 to 74 who, in 2019, had varying personal income and employment statuses. The survey assessed their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding financial planning for retirement.
(Promotional campaign on financial planning for retirement – 2019 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted in 2019 with Quebeckers aged 18 through 54. It measures the scope of Retraite Québec's promotional campaign and its impact on the target group's awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement.
(Awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement – 2018 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted with Québec workers, aged 35 to 54, with an annual personal income over $25 000 in 2017. It assesses their degree of awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement and their knowledge of, attitudes towards and behaviour regarding financial planning for retirement.
(Retraite Québec's ad campaign – 2018 survey; French Only)
This survey was conducted with Québec workers, aged 35 to 54, with an annual personal income over $25 000 in 2017. It measures the scope of Retraite Québec's ad campaign and its impact on workers' awareness about the importance of financial planning for retirement.
(2017 Survey on the awareness of the importance of financial planning for retirement; French only)
This survey of Québec workers aged 35 to 54 whose personal income was over $25 000 gages their degree of awareness of the importance of financial planning for retirement. More specifically, it evaluates their knowledge of, attitudes towards, and behavior related to financial planning for retirement.
(2016 survey on workers' knowledge of retirement and retirement planning; French only)
This survey of Québec workers aged 35 to 54 whose personal income in 2015 was over $25 000 gages their knowledge of retirement and retirement planning. It also brings to light certain personality traits.
(2016 Survey on the awareness of issues related to financial independence in retirement; French only)
This survey of Québec workers aged 35 to 49 with a personal income over $25 000 gages their awareness of the importance of being financially independent in retirement. More specifically, it evaluates their knowledge of, attitudes towards, and behavior regarding financial planning for retirement.
(2014 Survey on the awareness of issues related to financial independence in retirement; French only)
This survey assesses the degree of awareness of the importance of being financially independent in retirement of Québec workers aged 35 to 49 with a personal income over $25 000. It evaluates their knowledge of, attitudes towards and behavior regarding financial planning for retirement.
(Highlights of a survey on the saving habits of Québec workers aged 25 to 44; French only)
Conducted in 2011 by the SOM survey firm for Question Retraite and the Régie des rentes du Québec, the study used a representative sample of Québec workers aged 25 to 44 to measure various behaviours and attitudes in regard to saving, debt and financial planning.
(Highlights of a survey regarding the retirement savings habits of Québec workers; French only)
Conducted in 2010 by the SOM survey firm for Question Retraite and the Régie des rentes du Québec, the study used a representative sample of Québec workers aged 25 to 44 to measure various behaviours and attitudes in regard to financial planning, particularly where couples are concerned. It also measured Quebeckers' confidence in financial institutions and advisors.
(Highlights of a survey on the importance of individual and group retirement savings for Québec workers; French only)
Conducted in 2009 by the SOM survey firm for Question Retraite and the Régie des rentes du Québec, the study sought to measure the importance of individual and group retirement savings in a representative sample of Québec workers aged 25 and over.
Consult a summary of the study
(Survey on the effects of the financial crisis on the retirement planning habits of Quebeckers; French only)
This document presents the results of a survey conducted in May 2009 among non-retired Quebeckers age 25 and over. Its main objective was to evaluate the impact the financial crisis has had on the retirement planning habits of Quebeckers. Survey respondents also shared their views on other subjects, specifically their confidence in the various sources of retirement income.
(Financial independence in retirement: definition and savings habits; French only)
This study first defines the concept of financial independence in retirement. It then analyzes what people can do to achieve this independence. Lastly, it presents the results of a survey on Quebeckers' attitudes to financial independence in retirement.
(Savings in Québec from 1999 to 2005; French only)
This study examines the assets and debts of Quebeckers, based on data from the Survey of Financial Security conducted by Statistics Canada in 2005. It compares data from 2005 with data from 1999 as well as the situation in Québec with that in the rest of Canada for 2005. The final section deals specifically with private pension assets.