Sondage sur les demandes de rente de retraite du RRQ à 60 ans (2021)

(Survey on the applications for a retirement pension under the Québec Pension Plan at age 60 (2021); French Only)

The purpose of this survey is to find out why people apply for their retirement pension at age 60, and how satisfied they are with the decision a few years later. It targeted persons who applied for their retirement pension at age 60 and who were aged 60, 65 or 70 at the time of the data collection.

It is the second time this survey has been conducted, but the context has changed considerably since the survey was last conducted in 2012. The results will help us reflect on the evolution of the retirement pension.

Last update: October 2023.

Sondage sur les demandes tardives de rente d’invalidité

(Survey on the late applications for a disability pension; French Only)

This survey, conducted in the fall of 2020, aims to understand the reasons why some people postpone applying for a disability pension until age 60. The results will be used to assess the potential impact of making certain changes to the disability pension under the Québec Pension Plan. The aim of these changes would be to offer protection in the event of a disability that is better adapted to the situation of persons reaching retirement age, but also to those whose disability is an obstacle to their full reintegration into the labour market.

Last update: October 2023.

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Satisfaction de la clientèle à l’égard du délai de réponse à une demande de rente d’invalidité

(Client Satisfaction Regarding the Response time for Disability Pension Applications; French Only)

This report presents the results of a survey conducted with individuals who applied for a disability pension for themselves or someone else, and for which the decision was issued in June, July, or August 2017. The purpose of the survey was to measure applicants' level of satisfaction, and to learn about their expectations regarding the processing time and how they were informed about the progress of their application. Special attention was paid to those who were compensated by the Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale or an insurance company to determine whether they have different requirements.

Last update: May 2021.

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Rapport d’évaluation prestations d’invalidité du Régime de rentes du Québec

(Evaluation Report Disability Benefits Québec Pension Plan; French only)

This report presents the findings and conclusions drawn from various analyses and studies carried out as part of an evaluation of the disability program under the Québec Pension Plan (QPP). The QPP disability program, one component of the QPP, is key to helping provide workers with protection against the loss of income resulting from a disability. The program was set up to guarantee basic income to any person who is no longer able to work due to a severe and prolonged disability. In addition to examining the soundness of the program, the evaluation report also verifies the extent to which the expected targets are met.

Last update: July 2019.

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Évolution de la clientèle de la rente d'invalidité de 1970 à 2010

(Changes in disability pension clientele from 1970 to 2010; French only)

This study looks at historical data related to beneficiaries of the disability pension paid under the Québec Pension Plan. It reveals certain trends with respect to the number of beneficiaries, causes of disability, incidence rates, the reasons payment of the pension ends, and other types of income following the acceptance or rejection of an application for a disability pension.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: September 2015.

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Sondage sur la satisfaction à l’égard du délai de réponse pour les demandes de rente de conjoint survivant à la Régie des rentes du Québec (2014)

(2014 survey on client satisfaction regarding the response time for surviving spouse's pension applications; French only)

This report gives the results of the survey carried out in May and June 2014 of people who had filed an application for a surviving spouse's pension under the Québec Pension Plan by mail or online on our Web site and who received an answer. The purpose of the survey was to assess their level of satisfaction and better understand our clients' expectation with regard to response times. The report also gives the results concerning why certain clients did not choose the option of filing their application online, the factors that could have lead them to filing online, as well as their degree of interest in receiving an electronic reply.

Last update: April 2015.

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Sondage 2014 sur la satisfaction à l’égard du délai de réponse pour les demandes de rente de retraite faites par courrier à la Régie des rentes du Québec

(2014 survey on client satisfaction regarding the response time for retirement pension applications received by regular mail; French only)

This report gives the results of the survey carried out in March and April 2014 of people who had filed an application for a retirement pension form by mail and who received an answer. The purpose of the survey was to assess their level of satisfaction and better understand our clients' expectation with regard to response time. The report also gives the results concerning why certain clients did not choose the option of filing their application online. The report mentions what factors could have lead them to filing online instead of by regular mail.

Last update: February 2015.

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Sondage sur les attentes à l’égard des communications relatives au supplément de rente de retraite

(Expectations for notices regarding the retirement pension supplement: a survey; French only)

This study presents the results of a survey conducted in the summer of 2009 among beneficiaries of the retirement pension supplement under the Québec Pension Plan. In it you will find a portrait of the clients entitled to this increase as well as their opinions on our notices regarding the retirement pension supplement.

Consult a summary of the study

Last update: January 2010.

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