How to reach us

General Information

Contact us:

  • by telephone
  • by email (Do not request or send personal information by email.)

Please note that our in-person customer service is available by appointment only. We suggest that you use our online services or contact us by telephone. In certain situations, you may be able to make an appointment at one of our points of service. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Change of address: inform Retraite Québec as soon as possible.
  • Direct deposit: sign up to the service or change your banking information via My Account.


Do you need to send Retraite Québeca form, documentary proof, a medical report or any other document required to process your application?

Use the Sending a document online service.

Québec Pension Plan (QPP)
Retraite Québec
Case postale 5200
Québec (Québec)  G1K 7S9

Public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.)
Retraite Québec
Régimes de retraite du secteur public
Case postale 5500, succursale Terminus
Québec (Québec)  G1K 0G9

Pension plans in the private, municipal and university sectors, VRSPs, LIRAs or LIFs
Retraite Québec
Case postale 5300
Québec (Québec)  G1K 0G4

Family Allowance
Retraite Québec
Case postale 7777
Québec (Québec)  G1K 7T4

Benefit from a foreign country or certificate of coverage
Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale
Retraite Québec
1055, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, 9e étage
Montréal (Québec)  H2L 4S5

Notify us of a change in your situation or obtain information

To obtain information about your personal file
You can use the My Account online service to, among other things, file and track an application for benefits or find out the amounts that you have received or will receive. You can also call us during our office hours.

strong>To file an application or request
Use our online services or forms.

To obtain general information
Consult this section of our website or contact us by telephone or email.

To obtain information about your personal file
You can use the My Account online service to, among other things, file and track an application for benefits or find out the amounts that you have received or will receive. You can also call us during our office hours.

To file an application or request
Use an online service or obtain a form.

To obtain general information
Consult this section of our website, or contact us by telephone or email.

To obtain information about your personal file
Call us during office hours.

To file an application or request
Use an online service or obtain a form.

To obtain general information
Consult this section of our web site or contact us by telephone or email.

Please contact your pension plan administrator for information concerning your personal data. Retraite Québec does not have access to that information.

For other information, consult the Supplemental Pension Plans section or contact us:

Locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) or life income funds (LIFs)

Contact the financial institution that manages the funds of your LIRA or LIF for information concerning your personal data. Retraite Québec does not have access to that information.

For other information, consult our LIRAs and LIFs section or contact us:

Voluntary retirement savings plans (VRSPs)

For information concerning:

For other information, see our section on VRSPs or contact us:

Consult the section of our website that concerns social security agreements or contact the Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale (BESS):

Filing a complaint or contesting a decision rendered by Retraite Québec

If you are you dissatisfied with an action or a service from Retraite Québec, you can file a complaint with the Bureau des plaintes et de l'amélioration des services.

Service Statement

  • File a complaint regarding the Québec Pension Plan (QPP), Family Allowance or supplemental pension plans (SPPs).
  • File a complaint regarding public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.).

Services for businesses and professionals

If you are dissatisfied with a decision rendered with regard to one of Retraite Québec's programs, you may contest it.

Citizens may file an application for review concerning a decision regarding one of the following programs:

Québec Pension Plan (QPP) Application for review
Public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.) Application for review
Family Allowance measure Application for review

If you are dissatisfied with a review decision in respect of those programs, you may contest it within set deadlines.

A contestation or an application for arbitration can be filed for the following programs:

Québec Pension Plan (QPP) Contesting a review decision
Public-sector pension plans (RREGOP, PPMP, etc.) Application for arbitration
Family Allowance measure Contesting a review decision
Supplemental pension plans (SPP), LIRAs and LIFs Contesting a decision or an order

Fraudulent communication and reporting

Retraite Québec may occasionally contact you by email, text message or telephone.

Retraite Québec does not request personal information by email or text message. The emails and text messages sent by Retraite Québec are mainly notifications informing you that a document has been uploaded to My Account or the information in your file has been updated. The notifications do not contain any clickable links or attachments.

If you receive a call, a member of our staff will never insist that you give them personal information.

Retraite Québec uses the telephone number 1 866 873-2113 to contact you during a regular telephone call follow-up or in the case of special situations.

Tips to follow

  • If you did not ask anything from Retraite Québec and you receive a notification by email or text message informing you that a change has been made to your file, please consult My Account or contact us to verify your information and correct it, if needed.
  • Do not reply to suspicious emails or text messages, and delete them.
  • Do not respond to any call from Retraite Québec that seems suspicious. If in doubt, call us at one of the numbers listed in the How to reach us by telephone section on our website.

If your identity has been used fraudulently, consider contacting your local police department or the Sûreté du Québec to report fraud, extortion or a cybercrime.

You can also consult the Security and Privacy Policy section on our website. You will find information regarding the protection of your personal information.

To report the inappropriate use of one of our programs, please contact us by telephone.

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